Thursday, May 21, 2009

Sadness in Africa

It was not the first time ... nor will it be the last...

Blood curdling screams were heard as I was putting on my makeup and I sent my friend, Ruth, running because I thought some child was hurt on our compound., and I could not quickly run because of just having had knee surgery. I followed her soon and she was standing on our veranda and said, "Oh, maama, it is an African man beating his wife," which sounded like in our very own yard but across our wall in some apartments. That haunting cry of pain has not left my ears.

I passed a lady with a load of sticks for building her fires piled so high and wide on her head that I just rode by in disbelief. All I could see was a thin body and legs much thinner than most of the sticks showing beneath her dress. I said, "Oh, God, how can I help her carry this burden?" I was in an area I was not sure about and didn't know where she lived; but what could I do? I pulled over and compared my trunk and the size of the load and there was NO WAY it could fit it. I am just recovering from knee surgery and it was late in day and there was a need to be home before dark due to other problems here and I drove away with such sadness in my heart with her burden; and at that time I felt very helpless. As I shared with Danny, he said, "Well, did you give her any shillings?" And to my heart came a terrible pain...."No, I was so caught up with her burden and that I didn't know how to help her with it nearing dark, and I forgot to give her what I had." And then the pain really came. Pray that Danny and I can be sensitive where we can make the burdens of others a bit easier.

There is sadness all over the world ... even where you live...

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